Here there is a brief description of how a period chair is made up, starting from the frame to arrive at the finish product with the exclusive use of natural materials.
1st passage:
jute straps are pulled and nailed at the inferior part of the chair. Biconical springs are put up there, which have been set free manually with an hemp rope knotted by hand.
2nd passage:
"the juta cloth is applied and above this is put up a flax straw, that constitute the seat’s stuffing of the chair. Afterwards it has covered with a second sheet of juta cloth that has been set free, stringed in the center and worked on the board with different points (hidden point, knotted point, chain stitch, etc …) to give a shape to the stuffing, depending on the seat."
3rd passage:
"as a second stuffing, the animal horsehair to level eventually level disparities."
4th passage:
": the calico is pushed for the last finishing of the stuffing."
5th passage:
"the seat is finishe with rich fabrics and braids matching."